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The Motueka Catchment Project.

Updated: Nov 10, 2021

(March - September 2020)

This project was an initiative by Naomi Aporo through the NEXT Foundation. The project was designed around improving the freshwater and mana of the Motueka Catchment. Mainly a data collection exercise, whereby our staff acted on behalf of the client to extract relevant datasets from various organisations such as PFNZ, Tasman District Council, DoC, John Leathwick, ICM - Landcare Research and others.

The web map application was an elegant solution that came out of the need to visualise and communicate over the data in an intuitive manner for SME’s with little/partial experience with managing GIS datasets and lock down sensitive datasets from the public. The project commenced several months later than expected for reasons unknown yet our staff was able to deliver the first iterations several months in advance and followed an agile iterative methodology resulting in a user-driven solution delivered on time and within budget.

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